The Zimmer Team proudly displaying the check to Honor Flight of the Ozarks made possible by our listeners

KWTO Honor Flight of the Ozarks Radiothon Raises $38,770 to Send Veterans to Washington, D.C.


Thanks to the generous donations of our listeners on KWTO and our Zimmer radio stations in Springfield, the Honor Flight of the Ozarks has been presented a check for $38,770 to send veterans to Washington D-C to see their memorials.

For 12 hours Friday, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., we opened up the Shirley’s Heating and Air phone lines on 93-3 and A-M 560 KWTO, 101-3 Real Country, 98-7 The Dove, and Jock 96-9 as we interviewed Honor Flight veterans and guardians and asked for donations, and you came through in a big way.

Although the radiothon has ended, you can still make a secure donation by clicking on the link at the top of this story.

The KWTO Honor Flight of the Ozarks Radiothon was powered by Roto-Rooter Plumbing and Drain Service, and we thank Ryan Willbanks and his team for making this event possible.

Honor Flight of the Ozarks raises money from its hub territory to send our veteran heroes to D.C.

These trips can be transformative for veterans who have been struggling with their war experiences, allowing many of them to find closure and put to rest decades of burdens they’ve carried with them.

Veterans pay no money to go on Honor Flights. They’ve paid for so much more in defending our freedom, and we want them to have the experience of a lifetime.

Honor Flight of the Ozarks does not raise monies here and send it off to somewhere else, and it also has no major corporate sponsorship contributing thousands of dollars to fund its missions.

Honor Flight of the Ozarks is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit charity. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The charity maintains about a 1% overhead, with 99 cents out of every dollar going directly to fly our veterans to Washington, D.C.

On May 17, 2023, Honor Flight of the Ozarks completed its 20th Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., bringing a total of almost 1,500 veterans to our nation’s capital, with two more flights scheduled for August and October.

To further honor our veterans, we continue to invite you to share a photo of a special veteran in your life to our Wall of Honor. Thanks to First Responders Outfitters.

A special thanks to Shirley’s Heating and Air for powering our phone bank.

We’d also like to give a special thank you to our KWTO Honor Flight of the Ozarks Radiothon hourly matching sponsors:

First Responders Outfitters

Shirley’s Heating and Air

Honda of the Ozarks

Donnie Ballard Painting

Delta Roofing

SRC Holdings

Brookline Doors

Springfield Special Products

A Team Pressure Washing

Roll Off Express

Assemblies of God Credit Union

Langston Group Realty

Cardinal Roofing