Nine Republican State Senators Vote to Allow DEIB in Missouri Schools

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Nine Republican Missouri State Senators joined Democrats in a vote on Tuesday on House Bill 2.

The vote was dealing with a specific ammendment within HB2, which is a budget bill, to allow, or to not allow, DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) training in Missouri public schools.

The nine Republican State Senators that voted with the Democrat State Senators to allow DEIB training in schools are as follows:

Mike Bernskoetter, Justin Brown, Mike Cierpiot, Sandy Crawford, Travis Fitzwater, Lincoln Hough, Tony Luetkemeyer, Cindy O’Laughlin, and Caleb Rowden.

Senator Lincoln Hough represents the City of Springfield.


Photo courtesy of Missouri Senate Republicans, @senatecaucus, on Twitter.