Willard To Break Mayoral Tie Next Week
Voters in Willard will go to the polls June 18th to elect their next Mayor. In the April election, Sam Snider and Troy Smith tied for the seat with 349 votes a piece. Smith says
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Voters in Willard will go to the polls June 18th to elect their next Mayor. In the April election, Sam Snider and Troy Smith tied for the seat with 349 votes a piece. Smith says
A runoff, or a very entertaining coinflip, will decide who the next Mayor of Willard will be soon. During last week’s election on April 2, former Alderman Troy Smith and former Mayor Samuel Snider tied
The Willard mayoral race has ended with both candidates, Samuel Snider and Troy Smith collecting 349 votes apiece. A hand recount of the votes will be conducted at 9am on Friday at the Elections Center
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